Coffee Morning Meetings
Coffee Morning Meetings are held 9 times a year on the first Thursday of the month: March-November.
Details of the next two meetings in April and May are contained in this brochure.
Rev Dr James Donaldson will talk about the Gospel of Mark and Rev John Baldock will talk about Notre Dame Cathedral.
The talk on the Gospel of Mark leads into a series of 4 talks at 10:15am on Thursdays (April 4,11 May 9,16). More details here. All welcome
H Howard and F Watson died in WW2
As part of the research for the celebration day, 75 Years that Changed the World, we are preparing a booklet telling the stories of the seven servicemen from Auburn Church who did not return from WW2 and who are honoured on the plaque on the south wall. There is uncertainty as to the identity of H Howard and F Watson. If anyone remembers these people, or knows of any descendants, please contact Philip Powell, 0422 312 088.
Tower Open: The next opportunity is Sunday 17th March 2024, 4pm-8pm
Climbing the tower is free for members of The Friends of the Tower with a nominal charge for others. Minimum age is 6 years old. There are also panoramic photos taken from the Tower Viewing Deck on display at the 3rd level of the tower. Please book on-line to avoid disappointment - the later sessions to see the sun set are already fully booked: trybooking.com/COICW
Previously the tower was open 12-4pm on Sunday 12 November 2023. The weather was perfect at ground level - a bit windy up the tower! 80 pre-booked tickets and 23 walk-ups meant that over 100 people climbed the Tower. Many people came inside the church for refreshments and to hear the music played on the grand piano.
A Tower Open event was held on Sunday afternoon 19 March 2023. Despite poor advance bookings, many locals turned up, having seen our banners or heard by word of mouth. In all, about 38 adults and 14 children climbed the Tower, total 52.
A Tower Open Day was held on 20 March 2022 4-8pm.
Sunday 21 November 2021 4-8pm: this was a great success with 64 people, including 11 children, visiting the tower. There was an interesting display of vintage Rover Cars on the lawns in front of the church and the weather was perfect.
Sunday 28 March 2021: our first public opening of the Tower from 4pm until sunset. The weather was perfect with a colourful sunset and an equinox full moon. 56 visitors climbed the Tower (including 9 children).
Sunday, 13 December 2020, (midday to 4pm). The Friends of the Auburn Tower Inc: auburntowerfriends.org.au held a successful Open Day. Due to COVID restrictions, numbers were limited to 120, and nearly every one of these places was taken up by members of the public keen to see what had been happening behind the scaffolding.
24 November 2019: Between 2pm and 6pm we welcomed over two dozen visitors – all of whom were climbing the Tower for the first time. This coincided with a concert of the combined Victoria Welsh Choir and Geelong Welsh Ladies Choir and, throughout the afternoon, sublime music floated around the Church and foyer and up through the stairwell.
7 April 2019 (2-4pm) when 33 people (23 adults and 10 children) went up the Tower
2 December 2018 (midday-4pm), 34 people went up the Tower


Church Garden
Come and enjoy the gardens around the church. You are welcome to walk through the grounds which adjoin Oxley Road, Hepburn Street, Duffy Lane and Edlington Street - set back from the SW corner of Burwood Road and Auburn Road. The exterior of the church was renovated in 2021 and the gardens are for everyone to share.